Founded in 2006, Finger Lakes Paralegal Services provides experienced paralegal support to attorneys throughout New York State. We provide comprehensive services and training to assist attorneys with their specific needs. Finger Lakes Paralegal Services has a broad scope of services, tailored to the requirements of our clients. Our work here at Finger Lakes Paralegal Services enables attorneys to focus on practicing law while knowing that the support work is completed in a professional and timely manner.

"Our wide range of services are tailored to the specific needs of our clients"

Finger Lakes Paralegal Services was formed to meet the demand of growing law practices by providing a wide range of support services that Attorney's require.
"Working as a Paralegal since 1985, I have learned that Attorney's want experienced paralegal support to enable them to focus on what they do best ... practice law", says Pamela Aini, founder and principal of the firm.
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